sexta-feira, novembro 11
A Nameless Tale Unoficcial Fanfic Hijack
(with complimentary misspellings and other atrocities)

The night had just fallen,
the stars shone up high.
Around, by the fire,
they gazed at the sky.
The ground had been laid
for what would come to be
an evening of wonders
- though some do disagree.
In chain, one by one,
each would speak and give.
The gifts of that night,
oh, you wouldn't believe.
Some would give life.
Others, things mislaid.
Many would be pleased,
though some would rather trade.
As the night unfolded
and the giving went around,
he knew it was his time.
To that he gave a frown.
The wizard stood up,
with a chest in his hand,
and began the discourse
about his own secret friend.
Good evening fellows,
my brothers in arms.
Even though perhaps by force
of a treacherous wiz-ard.
Mostly disobedient
and sometimes plain incompetent,
you make for good servants
in the heat of the moment.
But tonight I do speak
of one singular friend.
Someone we all know
will be our end.
It does worry me
- should worry you too.
The demeanor of this friend
is somewhat of a clue.
In the face of danger,
when demons approach,
our companion shines
with a violent touch.
Yet when the battle is done
and you feel saf-er
you better watch out
for him or her.
For the reason is lost
and the madness is true.
First it was him -
next could be you.
A blade in the back
or a dream lost.
It'll ruin the moment
whatever the cost.
And we all know full well
of the unusual romance.
They'd do it doggystyle
if they had the chance.
So I present this chest
and the treasures within
to none other than Naia,
the murderous paladin.
A sword she found inside,
but one they wouldn't fear.
For this was made of rubber,
his intentions were made clear.
The group was now safe,
even if for some time.
The wizard had saved their lives
from the next heinous crime.
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